My last “Lord, I am so Thankful!” (Gratitude Community) Post

# 1959-2000 (this number should actually be higher , I made an error in a past post but I am just going to leave it as is) Lord (Adonai), I am Truly so thankful for all the gifts you freely give…………. weekend with family, safety while traveling, relaxing ride on a  river boat, my oldest excitement at sooooo many…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

1st day of school # 1908- 1958 Lord (Adonai), I am Truly so thankful for all the gifts you freely give…………. A free book, free gift card to buy more books, new p.j.’s, time with my extended family, holding a friends baby, my home school group that has stepped up in amazing ways to allow…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

# 1871–1907 Truly, Lord I am so thankful for all the gifts you freely give………….a local women’s Praise seminar, listening to teaching  by the Holy Spirit given through my mom; and two other sweet ladies, hearing an awesome testimony that gave glory to you, sitting beside my two of my sisters while listening to my…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

# 1827-1870 Truly, Lord I am so thankful for all the gifts you freely give…………. For the beautiful sound of rain falling to the ground, for your water cycle; that from the very point of creation has given all of your creation the water it needs, taking a Zumba class with my mom, and younger…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

#1756- 1826 Truly, Lord I am so thankful for all the gifts you freely give…………. The sound of a Barred Owl outside my house as I sit reading your words and meditating on you Father and your Son! For the Storm….so I can experience the calm that will come. The Moccasin trail, the black caterpillar,…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

#1701-1755 Truly, Lord I am so thankful for all the gifts you freely give; the small, the big and everything in between. An evening breeze, first CRCT for my oldest; he survived…. sunny days, good moods, cooperation, friends that give, FREE Curriculum, time w/Alicia, good movie; good laughs, good lesson to learn, good characters….., home…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

#1601-1700 Lord, I am so thankful …………… Exciting plans for the next school year, an evening out with a friend, the sound of a Whip-poor-will ,anticipation of a few days out-of-town with family and of an upcoming week-long camping trip, the exact WORD I needed, watching my oldest work hard alongside his daddy, watching my…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

#1536-1600 Lord, I am so thankful because…………… You know me, You love me (anyway), you forgive me, you heal me, you saved me, you protect me, you renew me, you stir me, you comfort me, you strengthen me, you correct me, you bring understanding, you bring peace,the truth of your word, for the good that…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

I am joining Ann @ Holy Experience today counting gifts from our amazing God! Thank you Father for the good gifts you daily send my way!! #1371-1471 A husband that will jump on the trampoline with his boys after a hard day at work, the joy and laughter that erupts from the boys because daddy…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

I am joining Ann @ Holy Experience today counting gifts from our amazing God! #1310-1370 Oh, Lord THANK YOU  for YOU. In my fear I will cling to you, in my “what if’s” I will cling to you, in my need I will cling to you, in my hope I will cling to you, in…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

I am joining Ann @ Holy Experience today counting gifts from our amazing God! #1237-1310 Oh Lord, I am thankful when it’s hard so that I can remember the times it was not, I am thankful for the bad so I remember how good the good really is, I am thankful for ugliness so I…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

I am joining Ann @ Holy Experience today counting gifts from our amazing God! Lord, I am thankful for YOUR love, son, word, presence, correction, joy, mercy, grace, strength, forgiveness, wisdom and peace! I am thankful for the encouragement, hugs, smiles, laughter, time, joy, love, strength, mercy, grace, forgiveness, wisdom, salvation that I have and…

One Thousand Gifts

I encourage you to give God a chance to speak to you through the book One Thousand Gifts that was written by Ann Voskamp the author of the amazing blog Holy Experience. This TRAILER gives you a taste of what you will hear and see in the words of this book. I have only finished one chapter and I am in…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

  (#1101)A nice long conversation with my hubby, A Rocking week, a very successful first week of the Bible in 90 days challenge, the touch of one my son’s hand on mine (both sons), a completely unexpected funny comment by one of my sons, time in the word with Lord by myself and time in the word…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

Oh, that men would praise [and confess to] the Lord for His goodness and loving-kindness and His wonderful works to the children of men! And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving and rehearse His deeds with shouts of joy and singing! Some go down to the sea and travel over it in ships to do…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

Father , thank You for a new week and a clean slate. I don’t always look forward to Monday’s, but I am grateful You have given me this day as an opportunity to start new projects and finish old ones. Help me be productive and consistently put You first! ~~(from the book Give Thanks, Powerful…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

This post has been a long time in coming but here it is Lord, I have reached #1000 on my gratitude list. For a moment I am in awe when I think of 1000 blessings but then I know that while I have been keeping this list I have still missed documenting so many more …

Take the dare to fully live!

I know what I am asking my husband to get me for Christmas! One of my ALL time favorite blog authors has written a book and I can’t wait to read it. Every time this author writes, you see her heart for the Lord. She bares all so that we might see HIM for who…

Lord, I am so Thankful! (Gratitude Community)

I WAITED patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry.He drew me up out of a horrible pit [a pit of tumult and of destruction], out of the miry clay (froth and slime), and set my feet upon a rock, steadying my steps and establishing my goings. And…