A Typical Charlotte Mason Workbox Home School Day for us

This is a follow-up or Update on three other post of mine:  Habit of Crying out to God  ,  What about our own Habits and  Habit of finding what works for you . 

I just want to go a little more in detail about how the workbox system looks in our home on a day-to-day basis. The post “Habit of finding what works for you” (mentioned above) has pictures of our system along with an explanation and links to great info on the workbox system.

A typical Charlotte Mason Workbox day for my youngest (6yrs):

*We do take advantage of the short lessons suggested by Charlotte Mason*
Typically we listen to Hymns while preparing and eating breakfast
Family Activity: Bible (& Narration) and Scripture memory
 God-Time (10mins)
Box 1- Olympics Unit Study (we all do this together)
Box 2- Practice a Knot just learned in “Boys Club” (Handicraft/Life skill)
Box 3 Spanish on Computer
Box 4 Living Math Book (For Math I have just started rotating between worksheets, Oral Math from an old CM style Math Text book, Living Books & Games)
Box 5 History Together: Abe Lincoln Bio with paper for sketching while I read, Oral Narration and an Abe Lincoln book full of pictures to browse through
Box 6 Reading Lesson
Box 7 Poetry
School Day ends with Family Activity: Listening to Patriotic Songs while heading to the park

A typical CM workbox Day for my oldest (8yrs):

*We do take advantage of the short lessons suggested by Charlotte Mason*
Typically we listen to Hymns while preparing and eating breakfast
Bible (with Narration) & Scripture Memory
God Time (10mins)x 1 Olympic Unit Study together
Box 1-Olympic Unit Study ( we do all together)
Box 2 – Spanish on computer
Box 3- Practice a Knot he just learned in “Boys Club” (Handicraft/Life Skills)
Box 4- People of the Far North Article: Reads to himself, Copy work- 2 sentences from article and sketch a narration of story
Box 5: History together: Abe Lincoln Bio with paper for sketching while I read, Oral Narration and an Abe Lincoln book full of pictures to browse through
Box 6: Living Math Book ( For Math I have just started rotating between worksheets, Oral Math from an old CM style Math Text book, Living Books & Games)
Box 7 poetry
Box 8 Read To Self: A book suggested from the Olympic Unit Study
School Day ends with Family Activity: Listening to Patriotic Songs while heading to the park
This schedule strip is my oldest and it goes with the day planned out above. As you see it starts with a Family Activity which is Bible & Scripture Memory, next is God-Time (10 mins alone with the Lord), then they go through their boxes with one 15 min break with a snack  (maybe a 2nd break in there for only 10mins) and the day ends with a family activity which is driving to the park to meet friends and listening to Patriotic songs on the way.
Click to Enlarge Pic: For right now this is what I am using for a daily schedule. I fill the boxes first and then I fill out this daily schedule. As I fill the boxes I am keeping in mind rotating subjects so they do them in a different order each day and I try to keep it where I would have to work with one while the other works independently, etc.
Click to Enlarge: This is a close up of the top of my daily schedule sheet. I have listed out what I want to cover daily and weekly so it stays in the front of my mind when I am filling the boxes. I got this from Ambleside Online but I tweaked it to fit us.
I have 98% of everything that we would need for school right there next to the boxes so it takes me as little as 10 mins and as much as 20 mins to fill boxes and write out their daily schedule. I know the longer I use the system the faster I will get. The beauty of it is I may be taking 10-20 mins each day to set them up for the next but that is precious time I am saving during the next school day.  Since I have been using this system 98% of the time I do not have to go looking for anything because I already have what I need right there in their boxes. Since I do not have to go get anything during school, there have been a lot less distractions for my boys and myself during the day.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Kerri says:

    Wow, Angie, you really hit the ground running! It’s been a blessing for us, too. It feels great to be prepared for a school day and the kids still enjoy getting up and seeing what’s in their boxes each day.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Joelle says:

    Thanks for posting this. It is always helpful to see what others are doing. I newly found your blog and have started to follow it.

  3. Becky says:

    Thank you for taking the time to share this great idea.
    Blessings on your weekend!

  4. Jessica says:

    Can’t wait to read this and see if I can work it into our home. I really want to use this method especially next year when I’ll have 4 in “school” in 3 different grades. I can see the workbox method working well in our home but have been hesitant trying to use it with CM but I think it is possible, as you have shown, and would be a life saver:)
    Thanks for posting!

  5. scarlett says:

    Fantastic Method!! I can’t even begin to tell you how much time is wasted trying to sort through our tremendous amount of books each day!!
    I plan to implement this system right away.


  6. Jimmie says:

    I’m not a workbox fan (for us), but WOW! You’ve really made it work for you. Great job. I’m pleased to see how you make it fit your CM style too.

  7. Nadene says:

    What a wonderful system! I love your simple method! I felt that I would be spending more time filling boxes than I do just using the books off the shelf, but I can see how you have created more time for the children! I’m tempted …

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